

秘書處可制定進一步的準則,以選出初步入選 翻譯申請人 翻譯社初步入選的申請人或須加入筆試。



立法會行政治理委員會為同等機會僱主,致力確保立法會秘書處沒有就業方面的輕視。所有契合基本入職前提 翻譯人士,非論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕與否、年歲、家庭崗亭、性偏向及種族,都可申請此職位。有關雇用殘疾人士的政策,請瀏覽立法會網站 翻譯社

翻譯主任 翻譯首要職責包孕:

The main duties of a Translation Officer include:

(a)    翻譯及傳譯工作,包括翻譯立法會及其轄下委員會的文件、告訴、研究文件及議員議案;
(b)    編製立法會會議過程正式紀錄;
(c)    校正委員會研訊 翻譯逐字記載本;
(d)    編訂工作辭彙;及
(e)    按需要擔負督導職務 翻譯社


Candidates should:

(a)  have a recognized university degree, preferably in translation or language-related studies, or equivalent;
(b)  have at least six years' translation/interpretation experience;
(c)  have excellent command of written and spoken Chinese and English; and
(d)  possess very good analytical, communication and supervisory skills and be able to work independently and under pressure.

The starting salary is $51,780 per month, increasing by five annual increments to $65,150 (to be adjusted to $53 翻譯公司300 and $67 翻譯公司065 respectively subject to approval by the Legislative Council).  There is also a monthly cash allowance for the rank of Translation Officer (the current rate is $1,220 per month).  The successful candidate will be appointed on three-year agreement terms subject to renewal upon satisfactory completion of service, at which the appointee will be eligible for an end-of-agreement gratuity.  The gratuity, when added to the employer's contribution to a Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme 翻譯公司 is equal to 15% of the total basic salary drawn during the agreement period.  Fringe benefits include paid leave as well as medical and dental benefits.

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The Secretariat may devise further criteria to shortlist applicants.  Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend a written test.


(a)   持有認可大學學位,以翻譯或與語文有關科目 翻譯學位較佳,或具備平等學歷;
(b)   具有起碼6年從事翻譯/傳譯工作的經驗;
(c)   具有極佳 翻譯中、英文講寫能力;及
(d)   具有很是精良的闡發、溝通及督導能力,並能自力工作及承受工作壓力 翻譯社

Main duties

Applications should be sent to Human Resources Office, Legislative Council Secretariat, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong on or before 30 October 2017.  The position applied for should be indicated on the envelope 翻譯公司 and an email address should also be provided in your application.  Shortlisted applicants will be notified by email or by phone.  All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidence.  Applicants not invited for interview or written test within eight weeks from the closing date may assume their applications unsuccessful.
(A standard application form may be downloaded from the Legislative Council Website (

As an Equal Opportunities Employer, The Legislative Council Commission is committed to ensuring that there is no discrimination in employment with the Legislative Council Secretariat.  The post advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirements irrespective of their disability 翻譯公司 sex, marital status, pregnancy, age 翻譯公司 family status, sexual orientation and race.  For more information on our policy on employment of persons with disabilities, please visit the Legislative Council Website.



入職薪酬為每個月51 翻譯公司780元,並按5個按年增薪額增至65 翻譯公司150元(倘獲立法會核准,有關薪酬將別離調劑至53,300元及67,065元),還有為翻譯主任職級而設的每個月現金補助(現時的津貼額為每月1,220元)。成功受聘人士會按合約條款受聘,為期3年,倘完成辦事期而工作表現良好,可獲續約,並會取得一筆約滿酬金,其款額加上僱主在強迫性公積金計劃下所作的供款,相等於合約期內所得底薪總額的15%。附帶福利包孕有薪假期、醫療及牙科福利。


(a)  undertaking translation and interpretation work, including translation of Council and committee papers, reports 翻譯公司 research papers and Members' motions;
(b)  preparing the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council;
(c)  editing verbatim transcripts of committee hearings;
(d)  compiling working glossaries; and
(e)  undertaking supervisory duties where necessary.

Entry requirements

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